
Albuquerque Citizens Are Getting Screwed!

The City of Albuquerque is a political entity that totally resides within another political entity, Bernalillo County. Both of these entities levy property taxes, gasoline taxes, sales taxes, etc. County taxes are paid by all county residents including residents residing within the Albuquerque city limits. County residents who live outside of the Albuquerque city limits do not pay city taxes unless they make purchases at establishments within the city limits.

I estimate that city residents provide more than 60% of the county’s Public Works Department budget that won't build or repair a road within the Albuquerque city limits. City residents also provide more than 60% of the county’s Sheriff's Department and Fire and Rescue Department budget and neither will respond to a burglary or fire at my Albuquerque home should I call them. You won't find a county community/senior center within the Albuquerque city limits yet city residents pay taxes to support them. This list could continue but you get the idea.

The best/fairest solution is to combine Bernalillo County and the City of Albuquerque into a single entity that would get rid of all the double dipping into the wallets of City of Albuquerque residents. This would also be one less government entity that citizens and business would have to deal with.